Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Scifi In Reality?

Do you ever wonder why we love Scifi stories? From Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek, Eragon, and a plethora of other well crafted books and movies, our society lives on the fantastical. We want to see greener grasses, bluer oceans, crazier animals. Its amazing. Sometimes we miss whats right in front of us. Funny thing is, the thing that I have found to be the most true, is the fact that we want to see good vs. evil. We want to see good win out. And above all, we want to know what is good and what is evil.

I think we, as humans, not just as a society, love scifi and any good story, because in those stories you always have a conflict. Good vs. Evil. In Superman, you know that Clark Kent is good, and that Lex Luther is the "mad scientist" who is evil. Just to use one example. But im sure if you look deep into your desires and motives, you will find this to be true in almost every story you come to love. We all want to know who we should be fighting against. We want to know who's side is the good side. We want to know if good wins. Superman knows his enemy.

In our time, it seems that the lines of good and evil have bled into one another. Just today, I read an article about a good Samaritan man, a homeless man, who tried to help a woman when her husband was beating her in NYC. He was stabbed by the husband, and left on the sidewalk. 6 people passed by, some even reaching down to touch him, but no one did a thing. The man died on that sidewalk. "No good deed goes unpunished". Know that im not saying those people were evil that passed up the man, but to think, how are we even capable of such heartlessness?

That isnt the best analogy, but I think we can agree, good and evil are hard to see and apply, in this case, and in life. But we all want to know good and evil. We want to see it, feel it, see that its real, so that we can know who to fight, who to trust, and what to believe about all the things we cant explain.

In my opinion, that is why we as a species love the fantastical. We love to see the lines drawn, we love to see the Superman's of our imaginations win out. We create things like Superman, because we dont know, in reality, who we are fighting. We all think we know what good and evil is, that some people are bad, and the rest are good, but we dont. Without a God to put the imprints of what good is into your heart, how would you even know what evil is? Do we as a society think violent crime is wrong? Killing someone weaker than us to steal their money? Its evolution 101, survival of the fittest. You kill because your stronger, its natural. Where did we get our desire to help those weaker than us? I would think it wouldnt come from the evolutionary process.

If what many say is true, and everything is objective, and no one knows the truth. That statement is itself a fallacy, for it comes from other people who think they see the big picture. They think they know whats best, that everyone else is just a fool if they believe in absolutes. But the statement comes from people claiming to know more, absolutely, than the other "misguided" people. And this cant be so.

So I think we create new worlds and people through books and movies and television, for many reasons; and I think one of the main ones could be to see good drawn out, and evil penned. Theres no questioning whos the good or bad guy in Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Lord of the Rings, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc... Its plainly obvious. But in reality, many people will never find what they are looking for. They will never see good and evil clearly defined. Unless, maybe some people do know the truth. Maybe there is a God. And, maybe, just maybe, he told us all about it, and how hes gonna fix it.

This is definitely not the best argument, but I hope it at least makes us all think.

Peace and Love

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