Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hurley, shes real dude.

Well, ive been trying to study for a biology final for the past 2 hours, and it seems my mind wont let me rest until I write SOMETHING about what im feeling right about now, so here it goes.

Does love affect us? Does acceptance affect us? It seems that many peoples entire lives, including mine, are based around getting or achieving these things. We all have an innate desire in ourselves to want acceptance, to want to feel good about ourselves, to love ourselves, and to be able to say that someone else loves us too; maybe many people. It is the biggest driving point of our society. We want people to accept us, and we want someone to love us, truly.

I have found in my own life, this is the case. I want to be accepted, I have spent the better part of 6 years searching for affectionate love. And, I assume we all do. And im sure you can relate. Many times I find myself doubting my worth, doubting if there is someone out there that will ever love me like that.

Today I watched an episode of Lost in season 2 where Hurley has to come to grips with whether what hes seeing is real or not, if the island he finds himself on is imaginary or real. His significant other, Libby, confronts him as he is about to jump off a cliff. Hurley tells her that this life cant be real, because no one like her - beautiful - would ever love him. Then she grabs him, and kisses him. Then he knows its real, without a shadow of a doubt.

Dont we all want that? We all want to be swept off our feet by someone we are incredibly in love with. We want to know they exist. We all want to think that there is someone out there so rapturously beautiful that we think we have no right being with them. And then we also hope that someone out there feels the same about us.

Much of our lives is spent in search of these things. Of love, of acceptance, security in our own worth. And, when they finally arrived for Hurley, he couldnt even pull himself to believe it.

But I say all this to say, what if you never get those things? What if, never in my life, do I feel that kind of love? What if we never get famous, we never get rich? We never get accepted? What if Libby never shows up? Have we failed? Was our life a waste?

For some people, that is the train of thought. I know in my own mind that has been my thought process many lonely nights. Then I read something today that reaffirmed what I already knew.
We live to please the one who created us. And that was our reason for being, at all. To seek His acceptance, his love. God created us to love. But, to ultimately love HIM! Without that kind of love to fill the gap, no other love will truly fulfill. We can never love someone the way they were truly meant to be loved without His love, Gods love.

And so, as I go on in my search, and maybe you do the same, may we both know that there is a God, that he loves us, he created us to love, and to love deeply. Those desires are there for a reason. May we also remember that His is the only love that can truly set us free to love the person we seek the way he meant us to. May we find ourselves searching for His love more than that of anyone else. For His love is the only love that has never failed.

peace and "love"

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